Schlagwort: shooting

MOG-Basketball | 27.03.2021

2on1 blind side shooting we work on fakes, passing, timing, shooting and of course closing out you can allow one...

MOG-Basketball | 24.03.2021

a little competition

MOG-Basketball | 23.03.2021

2on1 shooting from elbow

MOG-Basketball | 19.02.2021

practice what you do and need, for baskteball movement: run, sprint, stop and go, change of direction, hezitation, turns, stops,...

MOG-Basketball | 18.02.2021

MOG-Basketball | 21.01.2021

2on1 shooting from elbow („Serbia“ for little ones)

MOG-Basketball | 15.01.2021

Another shooting drill

MOG-Basketball | 14.01.2021

I like to track shooting, specially in these times, because we’re not allowed to run regular practices and sometimes the...

MOG-Basketball | 06.01.2021

Passing and shooting

Baskets Lüdenscheid | 08.08.2014

Das erste Vormittags-Sommertraining absolvierten die Jugendspieler der Baskets Lüdenscheid heute von 10-12h. Neben den allgemeinen Trainingsgrundlagen war das Thema „Werfen“...

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