Schlagwort: MOG Basketball

MOG-Basketball | KW 41-2024

Resilience doesn’t come from success, it comes from the struggle. It comes from failing, getting knocked down, facing adversity. It...

MOG-Basketball | KW 40-2024

MOG-Basketball | KW 39-2024

MOG-Basketball | KW 38-2024

Accept people as they are, but place them where they belong.

MOG-Basketball | KW 36-2024

Someone once said „If you get on the wrong train, be sure to get off at the first stop. The...

MOG-Basketball | KW 33-2024

MOG-Basketball | KW 32-2024

MOG-Basketball | KW 31-2024

Preseason, training camp with the JBBL players, WNBL players and guest players. Fun times, enjoying basketball. Week 1: 31 sessions

MOG-Basketball | KW 30-2024

Schöne Blumen brauchen einen fruchtbaren Boden. Befindet sich diese Erde aber in schwer zugänglichen Höhen, werden nur wenige Menschen in...

MOG-Basketball | KW 28-2024

MOG-Basketball | KW 28-2024

Be where your feet are  

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