Schlagwort: JBBL

MOG-Basketball | 04.03.2021

Our practice day today, coaches Saki and Marsha 14:00 90′ JBBL team practice 15:30 90′ JBBL weights 15:30 60′ Noah...

MOG-Basketball | 02.03.2021

UBC Münster orange

MOG-Basketball | 26.02.2021

So sah der Tag im UBC-Jugendleistungsprogramm heute aus: Freitag, 26.02.2021 14:00   90′   JBBL   team practice   gym   MOG 14:00   90′  ...

MOG-Basketball | 24.02.2021

One day during the pandemic 1 team practice 3 clinics (online) 3 weightlifting practices 1 shooting practice   2 workouts...

MOG-Basketball | 23.02.2021

This week we changed weightlifting programs for the JBBL-players (one week delay because of the snow). This is the new...

MOG-Basketball | 21.02.2021

ballmovement and teamplay

MOG-Basketball | 20.02.2021

Lukas Henry Ehrich (*10-2004, UBC Münster)

MOG-Basketball | 10.02.2021

spacing and ball movement


Player to know

Player to know Im November 2020 habe ich etwas Neues in der Trainingswoche ergänzt: „Player to know“. Sowohl für die...

MOG-Basketball | 07.02.2021

I like plays like this:      

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