Schlagwort: Coaching

MOG-Basketball | KW 12-2024

In dieser Saison machen wir mit dem JBBL-Team regelmäßiges Feedback in unterschiedlichen Formen. Hier ein Beispiel. Kurz und knapp, außerden...

MOG-Basketball | KW 08-2024

Leadership requires making difficult, unpopular decisions – knowing that whatever you decide will be criticized. It is not for the...

MOG-Basketball | KW 47-2023

Developing people is slow, uncomfortable, and at times grueling work. Stick with them, people are messy. Challenge them, people are...

MOG-Basketball | KW 41-2023

Pressure is a privilege. It means things are expected of you.

MOG-Basketball | KW 36-2023

MOG-Basketball | KW 33-2023

Ein simpler Feedbackbogen für das Teamtraining MOG-Basketball | feedback sheet_08-2023

MOG-Basketball | KW 30-2023

MOG-Basketball | KW 30-2023

Wie gehen wir mit Schwierigkeiten, Hindernissen um? Wie verhalten wir uns in komplizierten Zeiten? Wie reagieren wir auf Härte, Druck,...

MOG-Basketball | KW 29-2023

If you’re waiting for it to get easier, you’ll be waiting a long time. Obstacles are always around the corner....

MOG-Basketball | KW 27-2023

MOG-Basketball | KW 22-2023

guided finishes, no more lay up lines  

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