Schlagwort: Coaching

MOG-Basketball | KW 02-2025

Never allow not getting the results you wanted to change the way you pour into your players or others who...

MOG-Basketball | KW 01-2025

Never allow those who’ve never left the nest to critique or instruct you on how to fly.

MOG-Basketball | KW 49-2024

Larry Bird Larry Bird said, „I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things...

MOG-Basketball | KW 41-2024

Resilience doesn’t come from success, it comes from the struggle. It comes from failing, getting knocked down, facing adversity. It...

MOG-Basketball | KW 29-2024

Es ist wieder die Zeit für „offseason grind“. In diesen Zeiten (lies: veröffentliche möglichst viel, möglichst häufig im WWW) heißt...

MOG-Basketball | KW 22-2024

Spend time on what’s important, instead of what’s immediate.

MOG-Basketball | KW 17-2024

People can help you in many ways throughout life, but there are two things nobody can give you: curiosity and...

MOG-Basketball | KW 14-2024

9 keys for coaches and leaders to remember: 1. Simple wins.
2. Less is more.
3. Failure is growth.
4. Culture is every...

MOG-Basketball | KW 13-2024

What others think of you, is none of your business.

MOG-Basketball | KW 12-2024

In dieser Saison machen wir mit dem JBBL-Team regelmäßiges Feedback in unterschiedlichen Formen. Hier ein Beispiel. Kurz und knapp, außerden...

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