What I really dislike are coaches, who keep criticize other coaches for what they are and how they coach, without knowing what’s going on, which kind of relationships where built. Bonus: Coaches who yell at players behind closed doors and critize their colleague for doing so in
Weiterlesen →„When you realize that you will never get the same moment twice, you will live differently. And that sounds cliché, but when you truly grasp the impermanence of this life, of this moment, you can’t help but live differently. You can’t help but be more intentional. More
Weiterlesen →Leadership requires making difficult, unpopular decisions – knowing that whatever you decide will be criticized. It is not for the faint of heart. Don’t get bitter, don’t get overwhelmed. Stay the course, stay positive, apologize when necessary, keep pursing the vision.
Weiterlesen →Wenn Du den Sumpf trocken legen willst, darfst Du nicht die Frösche fragen.
Weiterlesen →Wasser, das schon vorbeigeflossen ist, treibt die Mühle nicht an.
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