Kategorie: Allgemein

MOG-Basketball | 18.06.2021

1on1 playing with a passer

MOG-Basketball | 16.06.2021

MOG-Basketball | 15.06.2021

MOG-Basketball | 14.06.2021

2on2 playing, no dribble for the low post player

MOG-Basketball | 13.06.2021

„3 Minuten Moves und Finishes Deiner Wahl, probiere aus und lasse Dir etwas einfallen.“

MOG-Basketball | 12.06.2021

Sometimes we try to dance and experiment with the footwork and finishes

MOG-Basketball | 11.06.2021

How we practice lay ups and inside shots

MOG-Basketball | 10.06.2021

Please treat girls like basketball players, not like girls playing basketball.

MOG-Basketball | 09.06.2021

MOG-Basketball | 08.06.2021

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